ALIGN thrives on collaborating with specialists in the field of gender norms and we invite you to be a part of that. There are many ways you can collaborate with ALIGN and join our community of practice including:
- Recommend resources for the resource hub by getting in touch
- Apply for funding
- Take part in, or jointly host, an event or webinar
- Sign up to the ALIGN quarterly newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the latest research and events
- Comment on, share and/or contribute to our library of case-studies and blogs (see below)
- Get in touch to tell us about yourself and your work on gender norms and we'll potentially showcase your organisation below.
Open call for blogs and case studies
ALIGN is looking for new content across a number of themes. Contact us if you are working in the following areas and would like the opportunity to publish your work on the ALIGN website:
- Men, boys, and norms of masculinity
- Social movements and gender norms
- Broadcast or social media and gender norms
- Youth movements and gender norm change
- Norms related to gender-based violence
- Gender norms affecting LGBTQI+ people
Join the Social Norms Learning Collaborative
The Social Norms Learning Collaborative, a close partner of ALIGN, is a cooperative effort funded by USAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Through shared learning, partnership, and thought leadership on social norms we aim to promote equity, social justice, health and well-being for communities around the world. Find out more about the Learning Collaborative.
ALIGN community members and initiatives
This page showcases organisations, projects and initiatives in the ALIGN Community of Practice. Members of the ALIGN Community are working to explore gender norms and norm change, and we invite others also working in this field to collaborate with us and enhance our collective understanding. Click on an organisation below to discover more.

Breakthrough is a global human rights organisation driving culture change to make gender-based violence (GBV) unacceptable...

CARE is engaged in a stream of work led by CARE USA on social norms, with programming in Asia and Africa...

CUSP (The Community for Understanding Scale Up) is a community of organisations covering three regions, working to scale up social norm change methodologies...

Dasra, meaning ‘enlightened giving’ in Sanskrit, is a strategic philanthropy foundation that nurtures powerful partnerships...

The Mind, Behavior, and Development (eMBeD) Unit -- the World Bank’s behavioral science team on Poverty and Equity Global Practice -- works closely...

Equimundo (formally Promundo) is a global initiative to promote caring, non-violent and equitable masculinities and gender relations in Brazil and internationally...

Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) is a nine-year, mixed methods longitudinal research programme...

Girl Effect is a social change organisation that works with girls and those around them to empower girls to reach their full potential...

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 800 civil society organisations from over 95 countries...

ICRW is the world's premier research institute focused on tackling challenges facing women and girls worldwide...

The Lancet is the world’s leading medical journal for global health, and in the new era of sustainable development aims to publish...

The Learning Initiative on Norms, Exploitation and Abuse (LINEA) project explores how social norm theory can be used to reduce child sexual exploitation and abuse...

MUVA tests a range of different approaches to the economic empowerment of young women in urban areas of Mozambique...

The five-year Passages project developed by the Institute of Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, FHI 360...

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children's rights and equality for girls...

The Population Council conducts research to address critical health and development issues...

The prevention collaborative is a growing global network of activists, practitioners and researchers seeking to “re-imagine” the prevention of violence...

RinGs is a learning platform with expertise in health systems which works to support learning on social and gender norms...

SASA! is a community mobilisation programme developed by Raising Voices in Kampala, Uganda...

The Learning Collaborative is made up of 5 sub-communities representing networks in Eastern Africa, Francophone Africa, Nigeria, South Asia and Globally...

Sonke Gender Justice is a research and advocacy initiative based in Johannesburg that works across Africa...

STRIVE is a research consortium investigating the social norms and inequalities that drive HIV...

Women Empowerment Association For Development In Africa (WEADA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization...

What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls is an innovative global programme working to build evidence on what works to prevent violence...