Emma Samman
3 March 2023

Project to end FGM/C and child marriage in Mali
Authors: Carmen Leon-Himmelstine,
Aatif Somji,
Emma Samman,
Fiona Samuels,
Jenny Rivett,
Anneke Newman,
Heiner Salomon,
Aisse Diarra,
Julia Lehmann,
Baboye Bocoum
18 March 2022

Mental health and psychosocial well-being among adolescents in Viet Nam
Authors: Fiona Samuels,
Jose Manuel Roche,
Hoang-Minh Dang,
Phuong Nguyen,
Van Vu,
Ngoc Nguyen,
Emma Samman,
Georgia Plank,
Arnaldo Pellini
14 December 2021

Mental health and psychosocial well-being among adolescents in Tanzania
Authors: Carmen Leon-Himmelstine,
Emma Samman,
Esther Kyungu,
Jose Manuel Roche,
Georgia Plank
9 December 2020

Gender, power and progress: how norms change
Authors: Caroline Harper,
Rachel Marcus,
Rachel George,
Sophia M. D’Angelo,
Emma Samman
ALIGN guide
3 August 2020

Gender norms and women in politics: Evaluating progress and identifying challenges on the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Platform
Authors: Rachel George,
Emma Samman,
Katie Washington,
Alina Ojha
ALIGN guide
29 January 2019

Quantitative measurement of gendered social norms
Author: Emma Samman
1 November 2018
Understanding norms around the gendered division of labour: Results from focus group discussions in Zimbabwe
Author: Emma Samman
15 November 2016
Factors and Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work: Household survey evidence from five rural communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Authors: Leyla Karimli,
Emma Samman,
Lucia Rost,
Thalia Kidder
1 September 2016

Women's economic empowerment: navigating enablers and constraints
Authors: Abigail Hunt,
Emma Samman