Micro-grants funding round 3: working with men to tackle GBV
Five research projects have been awarded a micro-grant of up to £10,000 which will be used over eight months from July 2021.
For this round of funding, grantees will generate knowledge, through research and synthesis of learning, to understand how women’s rights organisations and movements engage with men and boys to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG). Small-scale projects have been funded to initiate or build on existing research and practice, to communicate knowledge and experiences, and to inform future action.
Centre for Health Ethics and Law Development (CHELD) – Nigeria – Investigating to what extent female-led CSOs, which are involved in the campaign against sexual violence in Nigerian tertiary institutions, engage with men and boys.
Institute for Gender Research and Documentation (INGRADOC) – Sierra Leone – Investigating the ‘male engagement strategy’ to combat SGBV in Sierra Leone and Liberia. In particular, it compares the discourses, practices, and beliefs of international donors and local NGOs around male engagement.
Intersectional Gender Research Advocacy and Learning (InteGRAL) – India – Exploring educational strategies including pedagogical practices and curriculum, that organisations can use to teach men and boys through collaborating with grassroots organisations.
Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO) – Namibia – Undertaking action-oriented participatory research with youth to generate new knowledge on how women/girls’ rights organisations/movements engage with boys/young men to tackle norms.
Simetria – Mexico – Working on analysing and eventually training 10 WRO’s in Mexico on how they involve boys and young men in their strategies with view to develop a gender-based violence prevention model.
Research outputs
Briefing paper
2 November 2022

Briefing paper
30 September 2022

Briefing paper
4 July 2022

Briefing paper
1 June 2022

Briefing paper
23 May 2022