- Webinar
- 23 January 2024, 07:00 - 08:30 GMT
Moving Forward Social Norms Theory and Practice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Organiser:
- Social Norms Learning Collaborative
- Location:
- Zoom
- Contact:
- Princess Luna ([email protected])
Social norms, and in particular gender norms, are on everyone’s minds these days. Over the last decade social norms theory and praxis has journeyed from academia to local and global health initiatives, engaging anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, public health practitioners, communication experts and many others. It’s time to take stock: what have we learned from this journey and to what extent are these insights informing social science theory?
We want to hear your voice as we discuss social norms from an interdisciplinary perspective. What do different disciplines bring to social norms theory, measurement and practice? Whose voices dominate? Which voices are missing? How can we ensure that real world experience informs the ways we conceptualize social norms and design norms shifting approaches?
Please join the Global Learning Collaborative for the third session of critical conversations hosted by the Learning Collaborative Network in January. Our conversation will be kicked off by brief comments from an interdisciplinary panel of disruptive, forward thinking researchers, policy makers and practitioners.