Reproductive Health Journal
Journal article
3 December 2021

Transforming social norms to improve girl-child health and well-being: a realist evaluation of the Girls’ Holistic Development program in rural Senegal
Authors: Anjalee Kohli,
Bryan Shaw,
Mathilde Guntzberger,
Judi Aubel,
Mamadou Coulibaly,
Susan Igras
Journal article
6 May 2020

Beyond will: the empowerment conditions needed to abandon female genital mutilation in Conakry (Guinea), a focused ethnography
Authors: Marie-Hélène Doucet,
Alexandre Delamou,
Hawa Manet,
Danielle Groleau
Journal article
18 July 2019

“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger
Authors: Ghazaleh Samandari,
Carolyn Grant,
Lily Brent,
Sara Gullo
Journal article
13 December 2018

“Eat and you will be eaten”: a qualitative study exploring costs and benefits of age-disparate sexual relationships in Tanzania and Uganda: implications for girls’ sexual and reproductive health interventions
Authors: Joyce Wamoyi, Ana Maria Buller et al.