- Video/podcast
- 1 September 2021
"The power of evidence" think piece and podcast series 2021
- Author: Anju Malhotra
- Published by: Gender and health hub

Over the last 25 years, there have been bold commitments towards tackling gender inequalities in global health, but these commitments have not been met by commensurate shifts in the underlying structural or systemic drivers of these inequalities.
This think piece, by Dr Anju Malhotra, UNU-IIGH, reflects on the power of evidence through three complementary podcast episodes with different guests, including those working on improving access to healthcare and those evaluating health programmes. Click below to download the think piece, and scroll down for more information about the podcasts.
Book/Book chapter
25 September 2023

Case study
15 September 2023

Journal article
1 July 2023