An adolescent on a mobile phone at a market in Ramallah, West Bank. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank
An adolescent on a mobile phone at a market in Ramallah, West Bank. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank
5 December 2019, 14:30 - 15:30 GMT

Yes we can! Taking norms-shifting interventions to scale

Social Norms Learning Collaborative
Online. Note: time listed is GMT, event is at 9.30am EST.

Building on the recently published "Considerations for Scaling Up Norms-Shifting Interventions for AYSRH" the Scale-up Learning Community invites you to join our webinar discussion on the state of taking norms-shifting interventions to scale. The tentative agenda will feature:

  • Practical insights from the Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) in the Balkans, which successfully scaled beyond national borders,
  • Critical considerations for scaling norms-shifting, drawn from the LC Considerations document, and
  • Reflections on scale-up challenges and lessons from interventions reaching young people beyond community-based approaches.

The Scale-Up Community is currently collecting feedback to guide the development of this webinar. If you are interested in attending this webinar, please take a moment to fill out a brief survey.

About the series - Social norms: What works, how to prove it and how to do more

After two years' work, the Learning Collaborative has culminated in the production of three practical resources for norms-shifting intervention implementers on social norms theory, measurement, and scale up. In this webinar series, join us as we provide an introduction to these resources and present some of the case studies that translate these products to the real world.