- Report
- 18 Noviembre 2019
‘One step forward and two steps back’: narratives of change and resistance in confronting discriminatory gender norms in Uganda
- Author: Carol Watson, Grace Kyomuhendo Bantebya
- Published by: ALIGN

This research report provides the findings from ALIGN 'History and Change' research conducted in Uganda in August 2019, which investigated the impact of harmful gender norms in Uganda and how they have changed over time. The report outlines examples and excerpts from in-depth and intergenerational interviews with 55 study participants, with themes emerging from the interviews illuminating experiences of gender norms and norm change across areas including experiences of marriage and the family, professional engagement, education and other areas.
- Tags:
- History and change, Theory, Education, Economic empowerment, Law and policy, Political representation and mobilisation
- Countries / Regions:
- Uganda
Briefing paper
18 Noviembre 2019

Narratives of change and resistance in confronting discriminatory gender norms in Uganda
Authors: Carol Watson,
Grace Kyomuhendo Bantebya
Briefing paper
18 Noviembre 2019

Narratives of change and challenges in overcoming discriminatory gender norms and practices in Nepal
Authors: Carol Watson,
Anita Ghimire,
Tulasha Khadka
18 Noviembre 2019

‘Cultural norms are strong and will fight back’: narratives of change and challenges in achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in Nepal
Authors: Carol Watson,
Anita Ghimire,
Tulasha Khadka